

Hello everyone, I am glad I went live yesterday with my floral advent calendar. It was so exciting, preparing it and it is great now to find the way back to the blog.



Today's brand is called Sobomarket and is run by the talented Mathilde.  SoBomarket is the contraction of South Bombay (a bit as we have SoPi in Paris for South Pigalle) and is the starting point of the brand created by Mathilde where she can mix her passions for interior and travel. As soon as she can, Mathilde travels the world, and sells the products she brings back from her travel to India or Marokko.

Until the end of december she is not only selling online but also in a pop store, 14 rue du Chateau d'Eau in Paris - until the 3rd with lusaluso under the name un si beau voyage, and afterwards until december 31 with la seinographe

Here are a few pictures of the copper vase that can be won on my instagram today.