
#2flowergirls - flowers for inga


Dear international readers, I will write this blogpost in German exceptionally. My dear friend Inga Lorig from the blog glomerylane lost her fight against blood cancer last week and I am writing this post in her memory -for her, her family, her friends, and her readers who took part in our little #2flowergirls project in the past 2 years. 

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

wie viele von euch schon wissen, hat uns unsere liebe Inga letzte Woche verlassen. Es macht mich unendlich traurig und sie hinterlässt eine sehr grosse Lücke. Inga war eine sehr lustige Person, die das Leben geliebt hat und ihre Pläne unbedingt verfolgen wollte.  Sie wollte zum Beispiel unbedingt, dass #2flowergirls weitergeht, auch als sie im Krankenhaus lag. Ich habe immer gesagt, dass das digitale Leben warten kann und dass sie sich aufs Gesundwerden konzentrieren sollte. Für mich hätte #2flowergirls ohne Inga keinen Sinn.  In den schwierigen Zeiten haben Inga die Blumen und die schönen Sachen im Leben unglaublich geholfen und Mut gegeben. 

flowersforinga_1Wir haben stundenlang über Skype gesprochen als ich in Elternzeit war und uns über Blumen unterhalten. Mir war es sehr wichtig heute fröhliche Blumen auszusuchen, die Inga gefallen hätten und so möchte ich mich an Inga erinnern. Sie war ein unglaublich positives Wesen und hat sich über die kleinen Dingen eben gefreut und hatte eine wahre Leidenschaft für Blumen und Planzen, die sie über Ihren Blog und über #2flowergirls teilen wollte. Das letzte Mal, dass wir uns trafen, als sie im Juli nach Hamburg kam, hat sie viel gelacht und sich über Ihre neue Duftkerze, die sie in ihrem Hotelzimmer anzünden wollte, gefreut. 

flowersforinga_3Ich werde jetzt nicht stundenlang über diese furchtbare Krankheit, die mich sehr wütend macht, schreiben. Ich möchte mich nur von meiner lieben Freundin verabschieden und ihr diese paar Blumen schicken. 

Inga, diese Blumen sind für dich, ich habe an dich gedacht als ich die im Garten von meinen Eltern am Sonntag gepflückt habe und diesen Strauß für dich komponiert habe.Das sind die letzten Worte, die Du mir geschrieben hast, eine Woche bevor Du gegangen bist: "Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Du bald "weg" bist. Wobei eigentlich bin ich schneller in Paris als in Hamburg." Ich habe diese Worte 1.000 mal seitdem wieder gelesen und die haben einen so bitteren Geschmack, jetzt dass du "weg" bist.

Ich werde versuchen ein paar unsere Geheimpläne umzusetzen und immer mit einem Lächeln an dich denken. Ich habe Kapuzinerkresse und Dahlien für dich ausgesucht, weil ich weiss, dass Du die so gern mochtest. flowersforinga_4

Es gibt einen Weg, Betroffene von der Krankheit zu helfen und zwar indem man sich bei der Knochenmarkspenderdatei registrieren lässt und zwar hier. Inga hatte im Juni dazu einen Aufruf auf dem Blog von Steffi gestartet und sogar zwei Spender gefunden. 

Wer mag, kann auch eine Spende überweisen, die nach Inga's Wunsch einer Stiftung zur Erforschung des Louis-Bar-Syndroms zukommt. Kennwort: Im Gedenken an Inga, Sparkasse Neunkirchen, IBAN: DE80 5925 2046 0034 2121 83, BIC: SALADE51NKS.

Wenn Ihr Lust habt, mitzumachen, könnt Ihr es gerne tun und den Link zu euerem Beitrag hier eintragen. Ich werde auch die Sträuße hier sammeln. Hier könnt Ihr auch gern Blumenfotos auf Instagram ab heute mit dem Hashtag #flowersforinga und #2flowergirls posten.

Viele liebe Grüße


#2flowergirls - The Carnation Edition

2flowergirls_carnation_pink Good morning everyone! I am so happy to start this new edition of the #2flowergirls with my friend Inga from glomerylane with a flower that hasn't got such a good reputation: carnation. I really don't know why, because they are so lovely and come and beautiful vibrant colours.  If you want to play with us, you can post the link to your post here or on Inga's blog. You can also post your carnation on Instagram, with the #2flowergirls hashtag. We will collect your flowers on our Carnation Pinterest board. For my bouquet, I was inspired by mexican art and by the flowers, Frida Kahlo used to wear in her hair. The beautiful fabric I used for the backgound is by Phillip Jacobs for Rowan. I was really inspired by this fabric for composing my bouquet. I love combining fabric with flowers. What do you think about it? I wish you all a great day, and I can't wait to discover your little beauties! Your flower girl, Elodie






If you want to participate this time again, you can post a link to your blogpost in the comment field under this post or add you link directly in the post by clicking on the “add your link” button and show us how you styled your carnation.

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#2flowergirls come back in February

Hello flower girls and boys, as announced previously, the #2flowergirls with madame love and glomerylane will be back in February! The flower to style for this month will be the Anemone. If you want to participate for the first time, here is how it works. Inga and myself will be posting our flowers on 26.02., so you have a little time to find your anemones, style and shoot them! Floral kisses, your 2 flower girls Inga and Elodie 2flowergirls_Anemones

#2flowergirls #8 - Chrysanthemum edition

global_view_chrysanthemum_2flowergirls Hello dear flower girls and boys, I hope you are all doing well! The time has come for the new edition of my #2flowergirls project with my dear Inga from the blog glomerylane. As Inga is in hospital at the moment, as I explained last week, I am a single flower girl this time. You can put the link to your blogpost under this post.

If you want to participate for the first time, you can read here how it works. Inga and I decided to style this underestimated flower for the November edition: the chrysanthemum. I have always liked them, even though it's not the first flower that comes to my mind when I am going to a flower shop. So this time, I am going out of my comfort zone as well and not stlyling a most-loved or favourite flower. One of the good things with chrysanthemums is that they are very strong flowers that will last a long time when cut. The glass vase is from Zara home and is sold as a bathroom accessory but I found it far too pretty not to put flowers in it.  The little vase is a tea cup from the Alice collection by Vienna-based artist Sandra Haischberger.  I bought it at the great Milchmädchen shop as a birthday present for myself, with a little bouquet in mind of course! I love the soft and grey colours of the collection. I took the cup in soft pink and the saucer in dark grey. I hope you will enjoy my styling. I can't want to see what you have been up to! xxx Elodie





#2flowergirls in November

Hello everyone!We are already in November! A new month also means a new #2flowergirls edition. As you may have seen on Steffi's Blog, Inga is in hospital this month for her transplantation - and we are all thinking of her and crossing our fingers. I discussed with her in the past weeks if we should pause the #2flowergirls project while she is in hospital, but she told that it would make her happy if we continued arranging and photographing flowers during that time. So, let's rock it together and do some flower magic for Inga. We have decided to play with Chrysanthemums this month.  Are you in?


I will be posting on 11th November and you can take part as usual until the end of the month and post the link to your blogpost under my blogpost.

I wish you a great Sunday! Your flower girl - Elodie

2 flower girls #7 - The dahlia edition

Hello everyone, this is my first blogpost today since the birth of my daughter Ella three weeks ago. Inga and I are back with this autumnal edition of #2flowergirls. We chose the most autumnal of all flowers, the dahlia. I chose some deep red and orange ones, I found on my local market. I added some guelder rose berries and some rose hips to the bouquet and displayed some decorative pumpkins on the table to give it a more rustic aspect. Today's #2flowergirls will be on madame love only, but I will show you one of Inga's photos.

If you want to participate, you can post a link to your blogpost in the comment field under this post  and show us how you styled and photographed your dahlias. You can also send us the photos by e-mail or post them on Instagram or Twitter along with the #2flowergirls hashtag. We will then collect the photos and post them on our Dahlia's board on Pinterest.










I also made two small bouquets to please my dear Inga! The red one in the stem vase is called cactus-dahlia

Straight-cactus Dahlias


and here is the glomerylane mini bouquet. Inga and I didn't talk about the the flowers before, but we really went for the same colours this time.


We are both looking forward to seeing your beautiful dahlias. We wish you a wonderful day.

Your 2 flower girls,

Elodie & Inga

2 flower girls #6 - garden roses

2flowergirls_square_bouquet Hello everyone!

I am so happy today: #2flowergirls has reached round number 6! and for the fourth time, Inga from glomerylane and I are inviting others to buy the given flowers, style them and post them on their blogs or send them by e-mail. We then collect the blogposts and post the pictures on Pinterest. Here are the pictures of the ranunculus, the hortensia and the peonies. We are going to collect the beautiful roses here.

If you want to participate, you can post a link to your blogpost in the comment field here or under Inga's blogpost. You can also send us the photos by e-mail or post them on Instagram or Twitter along with the #2flowergirls hashtag. The last edition was great and the blogosphere got very inspired by the peonies. I hope the free range/garden roses will inspire you as much.











Here is a sneek peak of Inga's roses - actually from her garden, not like mine which were from the market... You can see more on Inga's blog.



I wish you a great day with the amazing weather!



Photos: (c) Elodie Love and Inga Lorig

2flowergirls #5 - peonies

Hello dear readers,Today is the big day for the start of #2flowergirls in June with madame love and glomerylane. The flower of the month is the peony and I am very much looking forward to seeing your creations and see which variety you found. There are more the 200 varieties of peonies, from white to purple, from yellow to light pink. Peonies are called pivoines in French and Pfingstrosen in German (Pentecost) as they usually bloom at that time of year and are many people's favorite flowers. No wonder, they just look gorgeous in the garden, in an exuberant bouquet and are a classic for weddings. So let's the peonie's explosion start! Please post a link to your blogpost in the comment field underneath or on Inga's blog and we will post your photos on our peony pinterest board. For those who don't have a blog or don't want to blog about it, you can just post a picture on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #2flowergirls or send us your peonies per email.

I hope you will like my pictures. I tried to show the variety as much as possible and found 6 different ones from 3 different flower shops yesterday, and displayed them in single vases.








Here is also a selection of Inga's photos. I am completely in love with the bloom in front of the mirror. You will see her complete shooting soon on her blog.




Speak to you soon! Your 2 flower girls - Elodie & Inga

Photos: (c) Elodie Love and Inga Lorig

#2flowergirls in May - a review

Good morning! Our #2flowergirls action for June is starting next week on Tuesday. Inga and I announced last week on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that this month's flower will be the peony and we are very excited about it! I think of it as a very photogenic flower that can be styled in many different ways that looks fantastic alone or as a huge bouquet or even as a flower crown. We are very happy about the participation, the enthusiasm around the project, and the wonderful blogposts that have been submitted so far for the ranunculus and the hortensia edition - and I am personally very happy I met Inga through her lovely blog glomerylane and that we are doing this project together.

I made a little collage for you, to show you some of the photos that have been posted on all those beautiful blogs or on Instagram. You can have a look at all the photos on our Pinterest board.

2flowergirls_hortensia_review_4From left to right and from top to bottom: Ashley from the blog Nord & Süd - posted on Instagram: @ashleysued Igor from happy interior blog - posted on Instagram @igorjosif Kathrin from happy home blog

2flowergirls_collage_1From left to right and from top to bottom: Sandra Wild (without blog) posted on Instagram @41sommersprossen Julia von Junifaden Eva von Emil und die grossen Schwestern

2flowergirls_hortensia_5From left to right and from top to bottom: Clara von tastesheriff Katharina von Katharina kocht Sabine von Azur Weiss

2flowergirls_review_hortensia_2From left to right and from top to bottom: Miriam from Miris Jahrbuch Judith from Joelix Susanne von Serendipity made with love


From left to right and from top to bottom: Julia from Junifaden Katharina from Katharina kocht Jule from Jules kleines Freundenhaus

I hope to also see your flowers for the peonies edition in June! Have a nice day and a stressless end of the week - and.... don't forget to buy yourself flowers! Elodie

2 flower girls #4 - Hortensia

Hello flower girls (and boys)! #2flowergirls is starting a new round today and we decided to style hortensia this time. I love them and their beautiful colour palette. They look fantastic in a garden or on your dinning table and don't need much work. A good thing to know if you want to keep them a little longer in a vase is that they need a lot of water, so always check that you have enough water in your vase. We are so looking forward to seeing your interpretation of hortensia styling. Please post your contribution under this blogpost and we will post the pictures on our pinterest board. If you want you can check out the ranunculus edition board. If you post some Hortensia on Instagram or Twitter, don't forget to use the hashtag: #2flowergirls.

Here are my #2flowergirls pictures:






Here is a sneak peek of Inga's photos. You can see more on her blog www.glomerylane.com today. I am a big fan of those coulours, aren't you?



Speak to you soon! Elodie

Photos: (c) Elodie Love and Inga Lorig

2 flower girls #3

Hello everyone, Today is the third edition of #2flowergirls with Glomerylane and it is a very exciting edition for us, as we are slowly becoming more than 2 flower girls as everyone can participate. It is so beautiful to see how many different things you can do with the same flowers. So inspiring. If you want to see the other bouquets, you can check out our #2flowergirls Pinterest board or follow the links in the comment fields. Maybe spring will come eventually!

Here are my photos and those from my lovely partner in crime Inga:

Preparation by madame love


lying ranunculus by glomerylane

I am so in love with Inga's colours. I love this light pink on a grey background. For my bouquet I decided to go round, and make a compact bouquet that reminds me of a wedding bouquet.

2flowergirls by glomerylane


2flowergirls pink and white by glomerylane

ranunculus from above by madame love

little still life by glomerylane

2flowergirls on a stand by madame love

This time, we selected the same flowers, in different colours, but we both had the same idea to do a picture with a candlelight holder. Mine comes from the lovely designer frau sieben based in Hamburg.

Ranunculus with candle by glomerylane

ranunculus with candle by madame love

We are looking forward to discovering your flowers! Please link your blogpost under this post or send us your photos by email to this address: 2flowergirls@web.de and we will post them on our pinterest board.

I wish you a fantastic week - and don't forget to buy some flowers for your home!



2 flower girls #2 - by glomerylane & madame love

Hello there, Here comes the second edition of my flower column 2 flower girls with the sweet Inga from the blog glomerylane.

For those who are discovering the concept today, the idea is that we buy the same flowers in the same colours on the same day and style them our own way. For today's arrangements, we decided to use pink and white tulips. This time it was Inga's turn to pick the flowers, and I was very happy about her choice, as I don't buy tulips very often. It made me step out of my comfort zone a bit, which sometimes allows you to be more creative.

I will first show you the flowers unarranged: 2flowergirls - preparation by madame love


2 flower girls - preparation-by-glomerylane


I decided to present my flowers in a very colourful vase/cup from the Danish label Greengate that I bought a couple of years ago in Berlin and a single flower in a glass vase I brought back from Stockholm last week, which comes from the great interior shop of Lotta Agaton. Inga displayed her tulips in an antique teapot with a tulip pattern. I love the way she puts a single flower in the spout of the teapot. 2flowergirls#2- by glomerylane and madame-love


2flowergirls#2Inga and I have so much fun every month playing around with the same flowers and styling them in a very different way that we thought that you would maybe like to play with us next time. We will be announcing the flowers we want to style a couple of days before on my facebook fanpage and on Inga's. We would be so happy if readers from all around the world would like to decorate their home with the same flowers on the same day. If you want to communicate about the action on Instagram or Twitter, you can just use the hashtag #2flowergirls.

We will keep you posted anyway. I wish you a very nice day and don't forget to buy flowers and visit glomerylane today to see what Inga wrote about 2 flower girls!


images: madame love & glomerylane