The Lonely Bouquet

my lonely bouquet

Hello everyone, Here are some pictures of the lonely bouquet I made yesterday for the first International lonely bouquet day. As I don't have a garden myself, and didn't have access to one during the week end, I had to improvise a bit. I created a bouquet with flowers I already had at home from three different bouquets and decorated my recycled jar with washi-tape When the bouquet was finished and the "take me tag" attached, I left it at the tube station Eppendorfer Baum in Hamburg. I hope I will receive some news from the new owner.

I wish you a great start in the new week!

Elodie Lonely Bouquet - The preparation

my lonely bouquet

The International Lonely Bouquet Day

Hello everyone,

Today I want to share a great project with you. Do you know "the Lonely Bouquet". This a project by Emily Avenson, an American girl living in the Belgian Countryside. That's how she define her idea:

A movement dedicated to spreading happiness and smiles, one flower at a time!

The ultimate goal of this initiative is to dedicate one day a year to making strangers happy. The method chosen is… flowers! and this Sunday (30th of June) is the first International Lonely Bouquet Day.


How to participate in the first International ?

All you have to do is:

  1. pick flowers fresh from the garden or forage straight from nature. If you don't have a garden, like myself, you can of course go to the market or to the flower shop.
  2. arrange the flowers in a small, recycled jar
  3. add a signature “take me!” tag (you can download my template in English, French and German here: Lonely Bouquet - Tags), and
  4. leave the arrangement behind for a lucky local to take home. Voila! You have just delivered a handful of flowers that will surely put a smile on a stranger’s face.

To sign up for the event, please pop on over The Lonely Bouquet facebook page! If you want more information, please visit Emily's website.





So I hope you are now motivated to help us spreading happiness and smiles, one flower at a time. I will definitely take part as a flower girl!

You can also follow the Lonely Bouquet on Twitter and on Instagram and use the Hashtag #thelonelybouquet.

FREE DOWNLOAD - The Lonely Bouquet "Take me" Tag in 3 languages: Lonely Bouquet - Tags

Lonely Bouquet - Tag - English


Take care and speak to you soon, Elodie

Photos: Emily Avenson