Bergamotte - Livraison express de bouquets de qualité à Paris

flower packaging bergamotte camomille

bouquet bergamotte paris


bergamotte_Paris roses

bergamotte workshop

bermotte paris emballage

bergamotte paris bouquet

roses branchues



Hello everyone, It´s starting to feel a bit weird to have been living in France for a while and still be writing this blog in English. I have taken a big decision today and starting today, I will write my blogposts both in English and French. I will start with the French version, and you will find the English one further down. 

Bonjour à tous,

Voilà ça y est, cela fait plus d'un an que nous vivons en France et j'ai décidé de me lancer et d'écrire mon blog en français.  Aujourd'hui, je souhaite vous parler d'un nouveau service de vente en ligne de fleurs fraiches qui s'appelle Bergamotte (avec deux t).  Leur atelier n'est pas loin de chez moi et j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir leur rendre une petite visite il y a quelques jours.

Leur concept est très simple et révolutionne les codes de la livraison de fleurs coupées type interfolia. Il tient en ces quelques mots:

"La livraison express de bouquets de fleur de qualité"

Des bouquets simples, élégants et dans l'air du temps à envoyer après un diner ou à une amie pour son anniversaire. Les bouquets, à partir de 29,90 € sont livrés en 2 heures à Paris et en 24h partout en France.  Ils utilisent les fleurs que j'affectionne : renoncules, anémones, oeillets, roses branchues, de la camomille, des chardons et bien-sûr, encore et toujours de l'eucalyptus ! Je vous recommande vivement ces jolis bouquets qui outre leur beauté ont aussi la particularité de se conserver très longtemps et d'être très joliment emballés. 

Pour en savoir plus sur Bergamotte, je vous laisse découvrir cette petite vidéo.

Bonne journée à tous, Elodie

Today I would like to introduce you a new start-up: the lovely online French flower delivery service called Bergamotte. I was lucky enough to visit their Parisian atelier a few days ago and it was just lovely.

Their concept is very simple: They deliver quality flowers within 2 hours in Paris in within 24 hours in the rest of France.  This trend of new, more modern and up to date online flower delivery service is blooming throughout Europe at the moment. They tend to break the rules of classical floristry with the continuous trips to the whole sale flower markets at 4 in the morning. They are very agile with the management of their stocks and buy their flowers directly from the producers. I like Bloomydays in Germany or floom in the UK.

Have a nice day everyone. 


You are my sunshine, sweet mimosa

bouquet mini mimosa Hello everyone,

Yellow is not one of my favourite colours, but I must say that I have to make an exception when it comes to mimosa. Every winter it makes me happy and I really love the way it smells!

Usually I make bouquets, big and small, but this year, on top of that, I decided to make a wreath, since I learned how to make them with my dear friends from les herbes de Paris in december. <

I also used one of my pretty baskets as a vessel. I just put an empty glass of jam inside for the water supply. I think it looks very joyful and pretty. 

What about you? Do you like mimosa as well? What do your bouquets look like? Do you mix them with other flowers?  Have a lovely day and talk to you soon, Elodie

basket of mimosa by madame love mini bouquet

mini bouquet fleurs jaunes

mimosa wreath mimosa and eucalyptus stilllife

DIY: Dried Hydrangea in an indian frame

hortensia pressees Hello everyone,

This a shooting I did last year, but have been waiting for the right time to show it to you. When I bought this gorgeous hydrangea head at the flower shop I instantly fell in love. Those green and purple ones are my favorite. I bought a little flower press before living Germany and I use it a lot. I know you can press flowers and leaves in books, but I always loose them and forget I which book I left them. Hydrangea are just the perfect flowers, and the more I play with them, the more I like them.  They look beautiful in the garden, in a vase as table decoration, or as a wreath. But maybe it is pressed that I like them most. I love their texture and colours and they look so pretty in a transparent frame, such as this one from the British brand nkuku. I hope I inspired you a little bit today. I hope I will be more on the blog in the coming weeks and months. I have got a lots of plans and ideas anyway!

Take care and talk to you soon, Elodie

hortensias pressees cadre indien

fleurs sechees sur fond sombre

cadre indien hortensia paillettes





les herbes de Paris à la campagne

statueHello everyone, How time flies, I realise today we are already in december and I still haven't posted the pictures from my autumnal shooting with les herbes de Paris. At the end of October I invited my florist friends Jefferson and Julie Pomme to my parent's place in Picardy to play around with flowers. We started the day with a walk in the garden and the forest to pick flowers, branches and fruits. After lunch, we spent the afternoon making bouquets and flower wreaths. I mostly photographed and they made the bouquets. Very unusual for me, but it was very interesting for me to step back for once and concentrate on one task. My mum was worried that there wouldn't be enough flowers to play with, but on the contrary it was just perfect! There were still a couple of incredibly big dahlias and tiny roses and so much variety of foliage and branches in a beautiful colour palette, that you only find in autumn. It was my second photo shooting with "les herbes de Paris". The first one has been featured in the last issue of sister-mag and they taught me how to make flower wreaths last Saturday. Here are a couple of pictures from that day. I hope there will be many more to come. I think we are a good team and love working together! Have a good day you all! Elodie



les_couronnes_des_herbes_de_parisbouquet portraitles_herbes_de_paris_a_la_campagne


Hydrangea on the breakfast table

hydrangea_breakfast_1 Hello everyone! I am on holiday this week. Yeah! The best way to start your holiday or a day off is with a long breakfast and a pretty breakfast table.  It is almost the end of the hydrangea season and I decided to decorate the table with a little plant in a cup. So pretty and simple and so easy to replant afterwards.  Wednesday is bank holiday here in France, so it might be a good idea if you are invited for a brunch to bring a mini-hydrangea in a pretty enameled cup as gift. I wish you all a very relaxed week, Elodie



post sponsored by the lovely Dutch hydrangea producer forever&ever

urban jungle bloggers - flowers and plants

cactus dans pot a carreaux dahlia for urban jungle bloggers

dahlia and cactus

merci with flowers

plant gang urban jungle bloggers plant and flowers

urbanjunglebloggers madame love

merciHello everyone!

I am a little bit late for my #urbanjunglebloggers post but I just couldn't resist this topic: plant and flowers! it was made for me... I am not a big fan of plants indoors and never had a ficus in my flat. But I must that I slowly changed my mind in the past few years. I am in love with succulents and cactus. Here are the reasons why: 1. I love that you can have mini versions of them. I am a mini bouquet fan and I find mini pots of cactus and succulents just too cute.

2. I love the colour palette of succulents and cactus: mint and nude and many shades of green.

3. I love that they are very low maintenance plants, which is a perfect fit to my way of life.

For this vignette, I chose flowers that really matched the tones of my plants: Café au lait dahlias, cineraria maritima, eucalyptus and globe amaranth.

I hope you do like the outcome!



Hydrangea and eucalyptus in a medicis vase


Hello everyone, I used to have a lot of time for madame love, a lot of me time. Now I have a lot less of it, between work, the endless commute and baby love. But I don't want to let this part of me abandoned and I am trying to find a way to still post my bouquets here. Today I wanted to share with you this little bouquet of hydrangea and show you how you can make something spectacular with flowers from your garden and a pretty vase. I am completely obsessed with this colour palette this days and I love how the green of the eucalyptus works together with the white and pale pink of the hydrangea. Have a nice day today and speak to you soon!

Elodie hydrangea and eucalyptus

hortensia by madame love